Holdrege Housing Authority
Holdrege Housing Authority, Holdrege Development Corp.

Fair Housing

Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing

Holdrege Housing Authority works diligently to affirmatively further fair housing in its housing programs. This diligence is applied to all Housing programs managed or owned by Holdrege Housing Authority, as well as any grant funded programs provided by Holdrege Housing Authority to meet the needs of the residents it serves.

Holdrege Housing Authority researched the Jurisdictions Analysis of Impediments. The July 1, 2005 Analysis of Impediments revealed the following impediments to fair housing choice in the State of Nebraska:

  1. There is a general lack of understanding of fair housing law;
  2. Violations of fair housing law do occur, particularly in rental markets;
  3. Some confusion exists concerning whom to turn to when a violation of fair housing law is alleged to occur, as well as how to access the State’s fair housing complaint system;
  4. Areas of the State, outside of Lincoln and Omaha, are underserved by the current housing complaint and enforcement system;
  5. Design and construction standards are not adequately understood or consistently implemented;
  6. Some minority populations appear to have unusually high home loan denial rates; and,
  7. Subprime lenders are offering high home improvement loan amounts for extremely low- income homeowners.

Holdrege Housing Authority will continue to further Fair Housing by:

  1. All employees are trained on The Fair Housing Amendment Act, The Rehabilitation Act, Title II of the American With Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975. This will be done by training all new staff on these laws. Biannual training with all HHA staff will be conducted by Holdrege Housing Authority administration to review these laws and ensure staff understanding.

  3. Increase applicant and rental residents knowledge of their rights in regards to these laws and fair housing. This will be done by providing the Nebraska Equal Opportunity Commission (NEOC) notice that explains their Fair Housing rights at initial interviews, lease up and recertifications. Phone numbers for HUD, the NEOC, and other agencies that can assist with housing discrimination complaints, will be provided. The Nebraska Landlord Tenant Act will be provided at initial interview, lease up and recertification.

  5. Provide information to applicants, residents and other citizens on whom to contact to get help if they feel they have been discriminated against in their pursuit of housing, or with landlords or realtors. This will be done by posting Fair Housing posters provided by the Nebraska Equal Opportunity Commission (NEOC) and HUD. Phone numbers for HUD, the NEOC and other agencies that can assist with housing discrimination complaints, will be posted.
  6. Holdrege Housing Authority has ensured accessibility to our housing programs and services for applicants and residents by having an accessible administration building, offices, interview rooms, rest rooms and an established process for persons to access who need further accommodations for a disability. Holdrege Housing Authority has also ensured that the housing projects managed by Holdrege Housing Authority have units that are accessible for those residents who require mobility free units (3 units at Sunrise View, 1 at Sunrise East and 1 at Sunrise Lane), that also include accommodations for person with visual or hearing impairments.